Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dream Big Dreams

I just finished this wall hanging for my friend Logan's birthday. She turned 12 this weekend, and has just decided she wants to hike the Pacific Crest Trail within the next couple of years with her dad. Her dream was inspired by a dayhike we went on for a few miles along the P.C.T. to see South Cinder Peak on a recent backpacking trip, so I needlefelted all the peaks and lakes we encountered on our journey.

That furry little critter following behind is Lena, her stuffed wombat friend who often shares her adventures. Since wombats are nocturnal, they are hiking along by the light of the moon and stars.

Here's to big dreams and big adventures!


  1. What a beautiful wall hanging! My husband has fond memories of his time with Outward Bound, hiking part of the Pacific Crest Trail here in Oregon. What a wonderful goal for her to have, and I bet she will love the wall hanging!
